Katy, TX News (August 19, 2014) – Last night at the monthly Work Study meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees unanimously voted to place a $748 million bond referendum on the November ballot, as recommended by the community-led Bond Committee.

The bond package, designed primarily to address the District’s rapid growth, includes six new campuses, six comprehensive renovations and improvements to nearly 50 existing campuses. Additionally, it includes technology retrofits, safety and security updates district-wide, and new student activity facilities.

“Essentially, every student in Katy ISD would see the benefits of this bond,” said Katy ISD Board President Bryan Michalsky. “This is a bond package constructed by our community with the students’ best interest at heart.”

With student enrollment growing by almost 3,000 students every year, many campuses are already facing challenges resulting from overcrowding and aging facilities. By building six new campuses, this proposed bond package would add nearly 9,000 seats in classrooms across the District and provide enrollment relief to more than 10 campuses.

“The area’s exponential growth is exciting for the District, but we must continue to plan and accommodate for that growth,” said Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “As families and businesses continue to move to the area, it is imperative that we adequately serve the educational needs of current and future students.”

As recommended by the Bond Committee, nearly 50 percent of the total bond referendum will go towards new facilities and another 30 percent to existing facilities, impacting nearly 70,000 students. Meanwhile, the impact to the tax rate would only be zero to a maximum potential increase of a half cent.

The average homeowner with a home value of about $200,000 would pay $10 more annually, and residents 65 and older would remain exempt from any school tax increase.

The 227-member Bond Committee was comprised of parents, staff, students, principals, business professionals and senior citizens who engaged in 13 meetings over the course of four months to review the District’s Long-Range Facilities Plan, visit impacted campuses and reach a consensus on the $748 million bond package.

For detailed information including a cost breakdown, projects by campus and the potential tax rate impact, visit www.katyisd.org/sites/bonds.


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