A Katyite’s Attempt at Drinking Enough Water

I rank among the middle of the crowd when we’re talking about health.  My family and I eat healthy meals for the most part, we don’t stock our kitchen with processed foods, and we are careful to keep trans fats out and saturated fats to a healthy level.

However, when it comes to staying hydrated, I really struggle to be healthy.

I’ve spent most of my life detesting water.  It’s just so… boring.  And tasteless.  And unattractive.

In order to get myself to drink water, I’ve tried many different tactics: for a while, I only allowed myself something delicious to drink (like a cola or tea) after I’d had a full glass of water first.  I’ve tried adding lemon to my water, and I’ve even tried using a shot of Kool-Aid to make water more appealing.

Most often, I give up and end up drinking fair amounts of colas, teas, and Kool-Aid.  Not healthy, I know,

Last night, I was considering this issue I have and how it is one of the primary things keeping me from being wholly healthy. 

And so, I’m committing myself to a week-long trial run.  It is possible that water doesn’t appeal to me because I’ve always had other options, and because I’ve never really allowed water the time to satisfy my thirst.

Starting today, I am committing to drinking only water and milk (besides my mandatory morning coffee) for a week straight.  And, since it is in my nature to just stop drinking if I don’t like what there is available, I am also committing to drinking the right amount of water each day for a week.  At the week’s end, next Wednesday, I will assess my attitude towards water and hope to find that, given a fair shot, water can be just as appealing as my favorite sugar-drinks.

I’ll check back in next week and let you know how it went.  I’m fully expecting that once my system gets a taste of what it is like to enjoy health, I will never want to go back.  Here’s hoping!

What about you?  What tricks do you use to help you stay hydrated?  Post a comment below!

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