Simple steps to ensure your Katy Cutie has a fun and safe summer

As summer approaches, it is important to check our homes and yards to prepare for a safe summer.  Pediatricians admit that during the summer months, children are at an increased risk for accidents and injuries.  With more leisure time, children are likely to be adventuresome and active…both positive traits when they are closely monitored.  Most accidents and injuries can be prevented when potential threats are addressed.


While we as mothers are in spring cleaning mode, we should also review our homes for safety.   Are medicines and cleaning supplies out of our children’s reach?  Do outlets have safety covers?  Are knives and other sharp objects put away?  Are plastic bags stored safely? If toddlers or babies are in the house, are stairs gated and sharp edges on furniture covered?    


Insects and spiders love the weather in Katy and seem to thrive in our yards.  Insect repellant and pest control treatment are important preventative measures to manage potential injury. When a child gets a bite, redness, pain, itching and swelling are normal reactions.  If, however, the child becomes clammy, has difficulty breathing, or begins to vomit, he should be taken to the emergency room. 

Children should stay far away from operating lawn mowers.  A small rock or twig can be projected a great distance when hit by the lawn mower blade.  Children shouldn’t play in parked cars, or by barbeque pits, grills and smokers.   

As children fill their summer days with rollerblading, and bike riding, we as parents can help them stay safe by insisting on the use of protective wear.  In nine out of ten fatal bike accidents, the child was not wearing a bike helmet. It is also important to be vigilant at the playground.  Slides are the most dangerous of playground equipment with children burning themselves or falling off.

Due to warm weather year round, pools in Katy are abundant.  Nearly every neighborhood has a pool, and many homeowners need simply walk into their backyards to take a nice, refreshing dip in the pool.  As fun as pools are, they are also very dangerous.  Drowning is the second leading cause of death for children.  Even if children know how to swim, it is very important that, near water, parents are 100% vigilant.  Most drownings occur in residential pools- in the victims own pool.  About three-quarters of children under age 5 who drown were not expected to be at or even near a pool; more than half of them were thought to be safely inside the house.

Children are bound to get hurt at one time or another.   But, when we take preventative measures, we can at least rest assured that we have done our best to keep them safe.

What have I left out?  Please share additional safety precautions.

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